About the community

This is an exclusive community for Flexi users & designed especially for Flexi users. Unlike social media groups, this community is monitored by SAi experts. We have also invited Flexi mentors and advisors to make sure you will get real help and can skip the comments in social media that are just not helpful.

We know you are in business day-to-day and need answers. We also know that you need more support in the form of continuing education through webinars, videos explaining features, options, and downloads that are meaningful. 

You'll find content in our community that is not found anywhere else.

As a Flexi Community member, you'll receive access to Adendo Advisors for one-to-one assistance, you'll attend all our webinars for free and get major discounts on any of our online training courses.

As our community grows, it will become increasingly valuable for you and your staff. In fact, we encourage you to let us know what you need, and we will work on adding it to our community.

I'm Mark Rugen, Managing Director of Learning & Development for SAi. I have over 35 years' experience in the sign & print market. I'll be personally overseeing this community so rest assured, it will be great!

I can't wait to meet you!

P.S. All members can immediately access the "Learn Flexi in 3-Hrs" online course valued at $49 absolutely free and immediately! 

You'll also get 50% off our 13.5 hr. Flexi training course with 156 video lessons!

Don't wait! Sign up now!

(Still have questions, maybe some of them can be answered in our FAQ below.)

Flexi Users

  • 174 members
  • 210 posts
  • $9.95/mo. or if you prefer, save 10% if you pay $107.50 annually. That's just $8.96/mo!
  • Discuss Flexi with other users, seek the advice of experts, attend our webinars for free, get major discounts on training courses, download guides, and much more!
  • REAL HELP without the angry posts that do not assist you. Better than any social media group and designed specifically for Flexi users!


  • I already get answers on Facebook, how is this community any different?

    That's great! But this community is closely monitored to assure answers are reasonable and helpful. As you know, Facebook can sometimes be a free for all and answers may not be helpful. In addition, community members have free access to numerous videos not found publicly, downloads exclusive to members, and even significant discounts for online courses. Oh, and one more thing, the community will be monitored by industry experts who can offer live assistance and even travel to your shop should you wish to hire them.

  • I have an older version of Flexi, can I join & will the community benefit me?

    YES! While SAi may no longer offer technical support for older products, we want users with previous versions to help each other. To facilitate that, we have created spaces in the community for older versions, so the comments and assistance offered is specific to your version.

  • Why is there a fee for joining the Flexi User Community?

    The small fee we ask is used to help pay for the platform host. In addition, we use the fee to assist in paying for the many items and features of this community which may include paying for guest speakers, or other events that could benefit the community.

  • What is included with my membership to the community?

    Discuss Flexi topics with other users including versions 12, 19, 21 & 22 as well as future versions.

    Watch short training videos not found outside the community.

    Download files, whitepapers, guides and other items of interest not found outside the community.

    Attend live webinars for members only.

    Become part of the Color Management space and see how to set up and get the colors you want from Flexi.

    Be a part of the Design space and get ideas and answers on designing in Flexi.

    Get help finding fonts.

    ...and we've only just begun to develop our community!
  • Is this where I get technical support for Flexi?

    No, it is not. Technical support still comes from SAi. This community and site are offering primarily training & education rather than technical support. You should use this site to see if other users can offer some assistance to you or to learn more about your software.

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